Why I Love This Book

"Tatiana clenched her teeth. In exactly one second she was going to moan right at the dinner table, in front of four old women."

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. ooohhhh, it's gettin' gooood

  2. Honestly, after Leningrad, the reader totally deserves Lazarevo!

  3. Carol,
    I picked up The Bronze Horseman after reading your blog about it (and the many encouraging comments) last week on MOP. Since Friday, I have read TBH and T&A and have preordered The Summer Garden for my Kindle on June 21. Love that these books were able to keep my up at night (besides now being totally trashed and lacking in sleep and missing out on making dinner and completing school Report Cards). Loved the history of Russia during WWII. Love the romance. Not going to give anything away at all. But enjoy.

    So, anyone out there have any other book recommendations?


  4. Weeeee! Lazarevo! Sweet relief, eh?

  5. Ok I think I am having a hate love relationship with this book. Thank God he came back for her:) It sure is getting interesting!!!!

  6. I just finished this book last week as well thanks to your post on MOP.

    Um, can I just say that my kids raised themselves for the 3 days that it took to read this book?

    Fantastic. Fantastic Novel!

  7. Another excellent epic read is "Fall of Giants" by Ken Follett, who also wrote "Pillars of the Earth" and "World Without End". It's an educational soap opera with 5 families and WWI as the background. I wish I had read it before TBH as it explains a lot of what led up to WWII.

  8. I'm totally stalking this blog waiting for Carol's next post. Should be interesting.

  9. Rochelle,
    yes, me too. Carol seems to be taking her time in Lazarevo...........for some reason.

  10. Can't imagine why.


  11. I'm totally stalking the blog as well! This next better be a long one!

  12. Just shaking my head... nothing to add. LOL

  13. Lazarevo is the best!

    Carol, hurry up! We're all waiting.

  14. Right? i keep checking in to see how far along Carol is!

    I have to say that's partly because of that first post on MOP wondering if she would ever make it past chapter 1 :-) I am reveling in how much she is loving this book! And now I have to say I'm psyched to let her just enjoy Lazarevo - even if it means no blogging!

    And, I love reliving the reading of this series through Carol (whose comedy voice is literally bar none!) - but have to say again, read it slowly - there are only three books and then there you are, like me, with nothing but rereads ahead and memories of Lazarevo!

  15. I agree, Sirena. It's fun to follow along with someone who's reading for the first time. I had planned on re-reading anyway to prepare for release of The Summer Garden (can't wait!!!!!), but discussing it has been more fun than just a plain old re-read.

  16. Carol's taking her time about it in Lazarevo, aye?

  17. LOL, Erin! That was perfect!

  18. I know! I KNOW!!! I bet Carol is making a VIDEO!!!

  19. I just had to share the part of this book that makes me chuckle.........you know when Tania and Alexander (finally) fight and he storms off? Then Tatiana folds sheets, washes all his uniforms by hand on a washboard, picks blueberries, makes pie and compote, goes fishing, makes fish soup, peels potatoes, makes potato pancakes.........then sews him a top. All in 1 afternoon.

    I once sewed my 1year old (who is now 14)a dalmatian costume for Halloween. It took me 2 months. The house was filled with tiny pieces of black and white thread and material, pins, etc. Afterwards, everyone would comment on what a sweet "cow" she was.

    Thank goodness for Costco costumes!!

  20. Jennifer J, that is so funny!!! Tatiana is very, very talented. :)


  21. Oh yes! Carol, make a video!
    :) michelle
